Your Business Can Send Rescue & Safety to Trafficked People

Partner with us to help ensure that vulnerable young women and children are safe and free from slavery and human trafficking.
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Traffickers Are Targeting The Most Vulnerable In Nepal

The cultural caste system in Nepal perpetuates extreme poverty and hopelessness for low caste people groups. Traffickers are leveraging this desperation to lure young people across the border of India to find better jobs. There, they are often sold to brothels where they face violence, rape, and torture.

Your Partnership Will Play an Integral Role in Combating Human Trafficking

100% of what you donate to our anti-trafficking program will go toward giving rescue and safety to young people who are vulnerable to human trafficking. We accomplish this using a three-part strategy.

1. Prevention

In high-trafficking communities, extreme poverty is almost always the driving factor. We partner with local leaders in these areas to identify children at imminent risk and bring them to a loving safe-home where they receive education and care. We also deliver meals, build secure homes, and fund start-up costs for farms. As a result, families who were highly vulnerable to trafficking can now live in safety with enough food to eat.

2. Rescue

We support patrol stations at strategic border crossings where the rate of human trafficking is incredibly high. Survivors of human trafficking staff these stations, working together to identify victims of trafficking, separate them from their traffickers, and report the situation to the local authorities. The rescued individual can then begin their recovery process.

3. Restoration

Depending on the situation, this process may include safe housing, health assessments, trauma counseling, and reunification with the rescued individual’s families. We also fund high-quality education and vocational training so that survivors of human trafficking can become financially independent and provide for themselves and their families. This helps break the cycle of poverty that caused them to be vulnerable in the first place.

Causes that your team & clients can be excited about

We offer giving options that serve communities in some of the most difficult and dangerous places on the planet. We address injustices like human trafficking, refugee crises, and extreme poverty through these initiatives.
Combat Human Trafficking





Survivor-Led Initiatives

Many of our international partners in this work are themselves survivors of human trafficking, and know what it feels like to be impacted by this heinous crime. Together with them, we have been able to help thousands of young people who are vulnerable.
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Three Year Impact

998+ Intercepted

Over 998 young people were intercepted from human trafficking and slavery.

13,748 Counseled

13,748 young people received counsel on how to protect themselves from trafficking.

225+ Safely Housed

Over 225 children who were intercepted from trafficking received safe housing and education.
Watch Sushila's story of rescue from human trafficking.

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