Your business can help empower women facing exploitation

In many impoverished areas, cultural stigmas surrounding women's periods and a lack of autonomy over their bodies subject them to oppression, exploitation, and sexual abuse.
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Cultural stigmas are oppressing women in remote villages

In the areas we serve, many women have never heard about feminine hygiene and lack access to period care. They are often forced from their homes, schools, and jobs while on their periods, further deepening the stigma and its consequences against women. 80% of the women silently suffer from painful infections—almost all of which are easily preventable.

Your partnership can empower women to overcome systemic exploitation

100% of what you donate to this program will go toward empowering women who face cultural stigmas against their bodies and basic rights. We accomplish this with a three-part strategy.

1. Health Training & Kits

We distribute reusable hygiene kits and feminine health training so women can learn to care for their bodies and find physical relief.  This helps enable them to continue to work and stay in school.

2. Affirm Legal Rights

During our training, many of these women learn about their inherent value and legal rights for the first time. They are empowered to assert boundaries, say “no,” and learn how to protect themselves from sexual abuse.

3. Transform Generations

When women are interested, we teach them how to replicate this training, allowing women’s health and wholeness to spread organically to neighboring communities and transform future generations.

Causes that your team & clients can be excited about

We offer giving options that serve communities in some of the most difficult and dangerous places on the planet. We address injustices like human trafficking, refugee crises, and extreme poverty through these initiatives.
Combat Human Trafficking





Our international partners experienced these stigmas first-hand

We partner with women who grew up facing this oppression and are passionate to change the narrative for their mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. Together, we have developed resources and training that have transformed the daily lives of thousands of women.
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2023 Impact

12,266 Kits Distributed

12,266 women received hygiene kits and feminine health training.

15 Communities

15 communities received our feminine health training

53 Trainers

53 women from four countries were trained to teach feminine health training in their surrounding communities

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